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by Jeff C. Johnson

Dollar-Cost Angie: I'm Not Good with Money

“Angie,” a friend of a friend, called me for financial advice in the early 1980s, saying, “I’m not good with money” and could use some help. I was a rookie stockbroker sitting at my desk “dialing for dollars” and trying to find new clients with money to invest. Frankly, I didn’t know all that much...

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by Jeff C. Johnson

When You've Got It Made in the Shade

 In a 2005 edition of the New Yorker, Kurt Vonnegut, the author, shared a story in poem form about a conversation he had with another famous author, Joseph Heller. Here’s my paraphrase: Heller and Vonnegut were at a party given by a billionaire. Vonnegut said, “Joe, how does it make you feel to know that...

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by Jeff C. Johnson

Multiple Income Streams

In my last post, I offered five questions—an assignment, really—for your consideration. Several questions were nonfinancial-related, which sometimes are the hardest to answer. If you’re still thinking about those five questions, stick to it and give them more consideration until you are satisfied with the answers. Having the confidence to enjoy your retirement is often about...

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