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by Jeff C. Johnson

The Right Place at the Right Time

How can an investor be in the right place and just the right time? The summer before my senior year in college I got married. I had been living in campus dorms, and when I started looking for an apartment, I realized how tight the housing market was in the central Nebraska town where I...

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by Jeff C. Johnson

Speculations, Side Deals, and Seeking Excess Returns

My brother and one of our closest lifelong friends have been my office partners for many years; we’ve been working together since the mid-1980s. Boy, could I write a book about our time together … and I have! We’ve seen some changes through the decades. We refined and refocused our strategies for clients all with...

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by Jeff C. Johnson

Design, Build, and Protect

Having been a financial professional for nearly 40 years, new acquaintances often casually ask me, “What are you recommending these days?” This is an innocent question in conversation, and I usually offer some polite reply. But the truth is that any professional recommendation should be based on what that person needs and wants, not what...

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by Jeff C. Johnson

When Do You Get Back In?

In the last 10 years, the US stock market has increased, somewhere around tripling in value. Except for a speed bump here or there, we have had few reminders of what can happen in extremely difficult years. Someday, perhaps in the coming months or years, we will get the opportunity to relearn what happens in...

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by Jeff C. Johnson

Three Clients and the Last Three Months

This year, 2018, hasn’t been a blockbuster year in the markets. After reaching a peak early in the year, the broad US stock market has yet to overtake those highs from seven months ago. Leading indices of American large company stocks, though, are near all-time highs. Some so-called experts are saying the market is due...

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